Leuven, June 3, 2024 – In line with the agreement signed with the Norwegian authorities, Ventyr has submitted the notification for the project-specific impact assessment program of the Southern North Sea II (SNII).

Southern North Sea II comprises a large offshore wind farm consisting of an estimated 60-100 wind turbines with a total capacity of 1,500 MW, an offshore converter station, internal cables in the wind farm, submarine cable (“export cable”), landfall facility (sleeve station), power line, underground cable and/or micro tunnel on land and a new converter station on land. Connection to the main grid will be via Statnett’s existing substation in Kvinesdal.

The notification concerns both the offshore part of the wind farm and the grid connection to Kvinesdal.

The development plans cover areas at sea within Norway’s economic zone and on land in Kvinesdal municipality and either Flekkefjord, Farsund or Lyngdal municipality in Agder (depending on which option is chosen for the grid connection).

The report includes:

  • Description of background and process;
  • Preliminary description of measures and alternatives for grid connection;
  • Description of the current situation and knowledge base;
  • Preliminary assessment of environmental and social impacts and possible mitigation measures proposal for study program.

François Van Leeuw, co-CEO of Parkwind, confirms, “This step is another milestone in Ventyr’s contribution to develop the offshore wind project on the Southern North Sea II supporting Norway to fulfil its ambitions of producing more renewable energy. The development of offshore wind will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop new expertise and technology within the Norwegian supplier industry.”

On May 31st, 2024 NVE launched a public consultation, where inputs from all interested parties will be collected until 4 September 2024.

Two public hearings will be organized, the first on Wednesday 14 August 2024 in Farsund. And the second on Thursday 15 August 2024 in Kvinesdal.

Based on the report and the subsequent consultation round, the energy authority will determine a final study program, which will serve as a basis for the project-specific impact assessment that describes the effects on the environment and society. As the project is in an early stage of development the presented design of the project still includes several options e.g., for the trajectories of the export cable to reach the substation located at Kvinesdal. Through upcoming assessments (technical feasibility, impact assessment, costs, … ) several of these options will be abandoned to come to an actual design with only few options open.

For media inquiries, please contact communication@parkwind.eu

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